ArtSevilla, in collaboration with the Provincial Councils of Huelva and Seville, commemorates through the exhibition "Bauhaus: 100 years after the total revolution of a language", the 100 years since the birth of the Bauhaus. This exhibition curated by Noelia Arrincón, can be visited until January 12, 2020 in the Sala Triunfo of the House of the Province.
Next we share the words of the curator about the exhibition:
La Bauhaus (1919-1933) must be present today and always for many of the values that inspired her creation and for the infinity of principles she sowed during her existence.
We are facing a collective exhibition that celebrates its centenary and in which we can see a broad representation of Andalusian geometric language, full of everything beautiful and sublime that transmits order to our perception.
The forty-three artists who live in this exhibition defend today the need for the reconstruction of today's society, the need to reinvent ourselves. It combines, at the same time, both the disciplines and many of the means of expression that were used in the School. The paintings coexist with the furniture, the glass with the wood, the theater with the drawing, the graphic arts with the textile and the typography with the metal, all with the spectacle of something that Theo Von Doesburg defended towards 1923: to get the essence of art eliminating the superfluous.

Participating artists " Bauhaus : 100 years after the total revolution of a language":
Adela Aguilera, Alan Sastre, Aixa Portero, Alejandro Ginés, Alejandro Rojas, Ana Barriga, Ángeles Alcántara, Antonio Morano, Antonio Sobrino, Antonio Suárez, Arturo Comas, Beatriz Castela, Ciara Rodgers, Daniel Franca, Enrique Quevedo, Erik Alcántara, Gonzalo Fuentes , Haalimah Gasea, Javier Map, Jesús Perea, Joaquín Delgado, José Manuel Albarrán Pino, Manolo Moreno Morales, Marcela Cernadas, Marco Moreira, Margarita Morales Lacueva, Marisa Vadillo, Marta Castro, Martín Lagares, Miguel Gómez Losada, Miguel Pérez Aguilera, Pablo Merchante, Paco Lara-Barranco, Paco Peregrín, Paco Pérez Valencia, Paco Sola Cerezuela, Paula Vincenti, Rubén Fernández Castón, Simón Arrebola, Susana Pérez Barrera, Tomás Cordero and Toño Barreiro .


Photos: Sergio Flores
Text & Image : Neo2 / Post on 2 January, 2019